Wollie Boehm
Wollie (pronounced Volley) is originally from South Africa, currently living in London. She started her creative career with an English degree, which progressed onto an exciting journey into the technological worlds of business, IT, Telecoms, New Media and 3D Virtual World R&D which inspired her to do a post graduate degree in Artificial Intelligence. She is a skilled experienced film maker with a growing portfolio of award winning short and feature scripts and films.
If you are interested in her work or would like a hired gun to help with your project then please email her at wollie[@]VolVentures.com or get in contact via the contact page to discuss.
If you have an intriguing proposition that you think might be of interest as a collaborative project, do get in touch as Wollie is always keen to get involved in the telling of a good story.
Her authored work can best be described as fiction and creative works which explore strong, complex, female characters in a-typical roles and situations not usually associated with female characters e.g. baddies, bullies, masterminds, murderers, Casanovas and superheroes…
“Buttons” (Short) 2016 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor & Colourist
“Heaven’s to Betsy” (Short) 2016 – VFX/Editor & Colourist
“Who Let The Dogs In” (Doc) in Post – Cinematographer
“Caught in Amber” (Short) 2015 – Director/Editor & Colourist
“He Loves Me” (Short) 2015 – Director/Editor & Colourist
“Reebok – Be more human” (Commercial) 2015 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor & Colourist
“Positive Dog Training” (Promo) 2015 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor & Colourist
“Planet Raw” (Promo) 2015 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor & Colourist
“Finding a Champion” (Short) 2015 – Director/Cinematographer/VFX/Editor & Colourist
“Cat Sitting” (Short) 2014 – Director/Editor & Colourist
“Saying Sorry” (Short) 2012 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor & Colourist
“First Out’s Last Orders” (Doc) 2012 – Director/Producer
“Repaid In Full” (Short) 2012 – Cinematographer
“Route 66 – UK” (Music Video) 2011 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor
“Endless Road – The Panics” (Music Video) 2011 – Director/Editor
“The Red Rose” (Short) 2010 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor & Colourist
“Surf Footage” (Short) 2009 – Director/Cinematographer/Editor
“Fruit Wars” (Short) 2009 – Director/Animator

High Rack: The story of an unlikely friendship
Paperback Edition
(An adult fable about family, friendship, loyalty and the difficulties with falling for the wrong partner)
You don’t always get to choose your soul mate, nor their family, who can sometimes be quite dangerous – a truth discovered by Freddie and Issy who are a fox cub and a chick growing up in London. As they approach adulthood they have to make some tough decisions and sacrifices for the sake of those they love.
This is an urban tale about love, loss and coming to terms with identity. Freddie and Issy form an unlikely alliance and fall in love. Both together and alone they need to face the inevitable consequences and challenges that follow, resulting in triumph and tragedy.

“Poignant love story!” – Amazon customer
“A real treat of a little story” – Tatiana Thorp
“Great Story” – Elsa Kroose
“An unexpected story!” – Rita

Cat Sitting – L.E.S COMBO I
(A Sexy Story about Loss, Lust and Love)
Sometime after a messy breakup, Alex finally agreed to do the cat sitting for her ex-lover, Teresa. She knew her first visit back to what she used to call ‘home’ would not be easy. However, she could never have imagined such an unexpected turn of events! =)
For Adults ONLY!

“Don’t we just know it!” – Sarah Edwards
“Great little story.” – Corie Denham
“These are my friends.” – Amazon Customer
“Yeah, been there.” – Anon 🙂

Saying Sorry – L.E.S COMBO II
Paperback Edition
(A Sexy Lesbian story about Love, Anger and Forgiveness)
Having screwed up again, Jo finds there is no easy way to say sorry. Repentance and forgiveness is a two way interaction and the journey is not always easy, nor predictable. Each person needs to find their own way to the same end.
For Adults ONLY!

“Wow! What a journey!” – Eddie Byrne
“Phew! Hot! Complex!” – Corie Denham
“The story gives a great new twist!” – Elly Cross
“Hard, raw while sweet and tender. Great!” – Sasha

Saying Sorry – L.E.S COMBO II
Ebook Edition
(A Sexy Lesbian story about Love, Anger and Forgiveness)
Having screwed up again, Jo finds there is no easy way to say sorry. Repentance and forgiveness is a two way interaction and the journey is not always easy, nor predictable. Each person needs to find their own way to the same end.
For Adults ONLY!

“Wow! What a journey!” – Eddie Byrne
“Phew! Hot! Complex!” – Corie Denham
“The story gives a great new twist!” – Elly Cross
“Hard, raw while sweet and tender. Great!” – Sasha

Buttons – L.E.S COMBO III
(A *** HOT HOT HOT *** dark fantasy Film)
Have you ever experienced a dream or fantasy where the line between what was real and what was fantastical seems scarily non existent? While waiting at the tailor’s, Emma is gripped by a dark thrilling fantasy.
For Adults ONLY!

“Fantastic and imaginative!” – Sally Edwards
“Really, quite hot!” – Danny Gordan
“Hypnotic!” – Festival Audience
“Sizzling! On the verge of mad.” – Anon 🙂