Jan 112018


2017 has been another exciting year for Sam Skyborne. My adventures include:

  1. Hosting and reading on an LFEST Author Panel
  2. Participating in two book readings at Sappho International Women’s Festival in Lesbos.
  3. Attending the marvellous Caro’s Camping weekend in Dorset.
  4. Going on research trips to:a) Maldives – for a romance series I am working on.
    b) South Africa – to fill in the gaps of my memories of Cape Town for my current novel a thriller called Alice (working title).
  5. Taking a couple of trips and retreats to the South West that really helped me hit some key deadlines.

The highlight of my year was to finally publish RISK: Three Crime-fighting Women Risk All for Love, Lust and Justice. This project has been in my WIP box or buried in my drawer for a few years now. So, it felt particularly good to finally set it free to be all it can be. I’m very proud to say that so far, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to all my readers and to my wonderful close circle of supporters on this journey!

In addition, I have also published, “Saying Sorry” and “Cat Sitting” as short story & short film combos. This was an experimental endeavour, which I think has also worked very well – once I helped my readers realise that they were getting a bargain, in the form of a book and film in one package — something that has not really been done before.

I’m really pleased to say that the first draft of my next story, the thriller called Alice (working title) has been completed and I am now steadily working my way through the rewrite. I always find this draft the hardest, since it requires one to be cautious and critical of one’s own writing and to be bold and adventurous in equal measure.

Alice is the story of a young ingenious woman who accompanies her patriarchal husband and his ageing mother to South Africa from the United Kingdom. While in South Africa, the beautiful environment and the situations she finds herself in, collude to present her with a life changing decision:

a) Return to the UK to resume the safe secure life she knows with a husband who is somewhat flawed but who provides for her and, more importantly, to an identity and life purpose that is already set in stone…


b) Stay in South Africa and start from scratch, reinvent herself, alone, unprotected, in this beautiful but wild and sometimes scary world…

Please sign up to my mailing list here (http://DukeBox.life/subscribe) for updates on Alice’s publication date and to hear about other exciting promotions and author readings that I have coming up in 2018.

And finally…

A very big THANK YOU to all my readers and everyone who helped, supported and contributed to making 2017 such a wonderful year! May 2018 be even better, with more fun, laughter and wild adventures all round.

Wishing you a Happy New Year – and enjoy your reading!

  One Response to “2017 Round-up”

  1. Cannot wait to read “Alice” about her quandary whether to stay in South Africa or return to the UK. Very relevant to us.

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