Posted on February 9, 2018 by wollie

I really enjoyed this book. I like fiction that makes one think and takes one to new places, offering up new territory in thought experiments. “The Power” offered an exciting narrative landscape and held a lot of potential.
I think the author’s choice of characters through whom to tell the story was interesting, presenting perspectives from most of the main archetypal seats of power and illuminating how they are affected and affect the story.
I enjoyed the ironic Mother Eve twist in the end – reminding us that sometimes one can inadvertently fuel the fire rather than blow it out.
Although the common sentiment that “absolute power corrupts absolutely” permeates this story, it would have been nice if the author had allowed at least one character to triumph and thereby offer up a more constructive, perhaps slightly more proactive, alternative of how “absolute power” can be or should be managed more responsibly.
If you are looking for a science fiction story that does what science fiction should do best, cast new light on life in the real world, then read this book!
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Posted on January 21, 2018 by wollie

My thoughts:
I enjoyed this story. It is not my usual cup of Rooibos but I was interested in Mma Precious Ramotswe from the get go. I think this is a wonderful example of how to give a character a wonderful authentic voice. Personally, it was also nice to hear about vaguely familiar things that reminded me of my distant past. I liked the ending.
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Posted on January 14, 2018 by wollie

My thoughts:
I really enjoyed the concept of this book and it has fuelled my imagination no end and I sometimes wish I had written this book. However, I do not envy the author for having to struggling with the conundrums and complexities this concept must have presented. A fantastic intellectual and emotional challenge I suspect.
The only down side, if there could be a down side to such a wonderful book, I would say was the ending. But then, how does one deal with the problem of infinity nice and neatly in the final pages of a novel?
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Posted on January 7, 2018 by samskyborne

My thoughts:
I loved the “Dark Materials” trilogy and was super excited when I discovered here was another opportunity to meet up with Lyra and go on adventures in her fantastical world of daemons and dust. This prequel did not disappoint. It is certainly another, hugely imaginative, awe inspiring, action packed quest to save the magical child set in Oxford, England.
Personally, I would have liked to have known more about some of the characters, especially the more mystical ones. The baddie, in particular, was an intriguing, very sinister character that certainly captured my imagination. However, I would have liked to know more about him. What made him the way he was? And, I would have liked to understand his motivation for pursuing the main characters, a bit more fully.
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