It is a wonderful feeling to finally hold a paperback copy of my new book in my hands. A feeling I can certainly recommend to anyone wanting to write!
But, to get here… has taken a long time and a lot of hard work, discipline and determination from me as well as generous help and thoughtful feedback from a select band of beta readers and editors.
Most people don’t really get to see the wiring of what goes into writing a book. When asked recently, I described the journey as a bit like growing your own artificial coral reef.
1) It starts with having the initial idea,
2) Turning that idea into something more substantial than a fleeting inspiration (which, I might add, is hard enough to find sometimes) or more than a paragraph or two of excitement burbled onto a page.
3) Allowing that idea to build and gather moss, debris, flotsam and jetsam and eventually form the backbone of an ecosystem large enough to sustain a coherent and full-length novel.
4) Stringing words together to effectively communicate the nature of that ecosystem and the events around it.
5) Then allowing other humans into that fragile ecosystem of newly-born fry and guppies with a metaphoric hedge trimmer – hoping they don’t bring their own chainsaw!
6) Rebuilding what your well intentioned beta readers and editors have trampled over and pulled apart, to create something hopefully stronger and better.
7) Applying yourself to the finishing touches that turns the reef from a rudimentary sunken ship to something people can recognise and might want to explore as a finished product.
8) Finally, embarking on the mammoth task of telling people your new creation exists – getting your book out there! The biggest struggle here is fighting back that part of you which wants to pat yourself on the back, say well done for the long hard slog and then put the book safely away in the drawer.
This last part of my journey with “Alice” has just started… yay! \0/ [said with no small amount of trepidation]
So, “Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom”, the ebook version is current on a pre-order special offer – at a huge 70% reduction – to inspire initial interest and in the hope of encouraging my first readers to add a little review on Amazon and/or send me some feedback. You can find out more or get an ebook pre-order copy from here >> http://Dukebox.life/Alice.
This offer ends on the 1st of August when “Alice” will be published officially and available in ebook, paperback and Large Print from Amazon.
Please help pass on the news to anyone you think might be interested in a good read…