I am so honoured to be participating in EllCon 2018 – European Lesfic Literary Conference in Bristol on the 23rd and 24th of August this year. It promises a full programme (http://ellconmeet.org/programme/) of all sorts of entertainment and fun, including panel discussions, author readings, book signings and informal chats with all the exciting lesfic authors present.
You can find out more about the even here:
Some of the authors who will be joining in: http://ellconmeet.org/authors/
My Author page: http://ellconmeet.org/blog/author-spotlight-sam-skyborne/
Ticket information: http://ellconmeet.org/registration-and-payment/
The Venue: http://ellconmeet.org/venue-information/
And last but not least the EllCon mission: http://ellconmeet.org/mission/
>>> Be sure to connect with me at http://Dukebox.life/Subscribe to hear more news and see pics from the event.