Friday evening I was invited to read at the Kenric Drop in at London Friend. The event saw an amazing turnout despite the cold and the wet London weather and the usual London transport difficulties. I felt very honoured. Needless to say I did my best to entertain and reward my audience for all their effort.
I read an extract from one of my first forays into writing, a book very dear to my heart, called High Rack: The story of an unlikely friendship between a fox and a baby chick. The idea for the story was born from real life events, in Catford, one late autumn. I had hoped, and still do, to one day see High Rack as an animation film or a graphic novel. The invitation stands… If anyone can draw or animate and would like to collaborate on this dream.. DO LET ME KNOW!! π
Thereafter we got down to business which was reading from my latest novel RISK: Three Crime-fighting Women Risk All for Love, Lust and Justice. It was recently described very aptly by a reviewer as “a sexy coming out crime thriller”. My reading went down a storm and I managed to hold my audience’s attention despite a few unruly dream catcher’s interference, π which proved very amusing.
However, the meaty bit of the evening was undoubtedly the unrelenting probing by my very astute and formidable host, the lovely Anny Knight (@AnnyPoet). She holds no prisoners and would not allow an ounce of prevarication on my part.
Anny, it was once again an honour! Thank you! And thank you to Kenric (@KenricUK) and all you wonderful ladies for coming to see me. It was nice to meet some of you as well as catch up with some old friends. A big thank you especially to those who were there to support me behind the scenes. I could not do it without you!
Hope to see you all again soon!