Great news… From the 23rd of September 2018 I will be running a COUNTDOWN promo on Amazon for “Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom”.
So diarise that date and get over 70% off on your ebook copy.
I am so honoured to be participating in EllCon 2018 – European Lesfic Literary Conference in Bristol on the 23rd and 24th of August this year. It promises a full programme (http://ellconmeet.org/programme/) of all sorts of entertainment and fun, including panel discussions, author readings, book signings and informal chats with all the exciting lesfic authors present.
You can find out more about the even here:
Some of the authors who will be joining in: http://ellconmeet.org/authors/
My Author page: http://ellconmeet.org/blog/author-spotlight-sam-skyborne/
Ticket information: http://ellconmeet.org/registration-and-payment/
The Venue: http://ellconmeet.org/venue-information/
And last but not least the EllCon mission: http://ellconmeet.org/mission/
>>> Be sure to connect with me at http://Dukebox.life/Subscribe to hear more news and see pics from the event.
Just received this wonderful review on Amazon. Thank you Ellie!
“I loved this book! A really compelling and original plot, full of twists and turns that you won’t see coming. Most of the action takes place in Cape Town, SA, and the writer really brings the city, culture and landscape to life throughout the novel. The characters are well-drawn and develop in really interesting ways – I found myself very quickly invested in their fate and keen to read the book as quickly as possible to find out what happens to them! This book is an excellent, character-driven thriller that will keep you guessing right up until the last page!!”
To find out more about “Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom” and get your copy look here http://dukebox.life/Alice
To be notified of early updates and new releases please join my contact list here: http://Dukebox.life/Subscribe
#MyOffice 8 weeks ago… I didn’t think I would actually finish “Alice”… #SamsStudy #AmEditing http://SamSkyborne.com
“Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom” is out on ebook, paperback and Large Print! Find out more at http://Dukebox.life/Alice
“Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom”, my latests psychological drama is out today! Hurray! It has taken a long time to get here, but it was one hell of a journey! A very big THANK YOU to all those lovely people who have helped me get here!
You can find out more and get a copy of the ebook, paperback or LARGE print here: >> http://Dukebox.life/Alice
If possible, please share and help spread the word and sign up to my mailing list to hear more news and get updates on special promotions and reading events.
I’ve been meaning to read this book for ages, and now thankfully, I’ve finally got round to it. It is a shame there is such a glut of new books and fiction out there as some of the older classics get snowed under by the noise of “new talent”.
Calendar Girl is definitely one of those titles worth uncovering again. It has a great plot with a very elegant twist that is very well written. Duffy creates a fine balance between surprising twist and sinister foreshadowing that makes the ending a satisfying conclusion to the gripping ride. This, first novel in the series, is a great introduction to the private investigator Saz Martin and her adventures.
I look forward to reading the next book in this series and getting to know Saz better.
<< Click the image to get your copy.
I recently had the honour of being interviewed by Planet Nation. I had to dig deep to answer some interesting and probing questions. I have just been told that the the interview is now live on the Planet Nation website. Wow!
You can read it here. 🙊
Sam Skyborne author profile on Planet Nation.
I’ve decided to publish the Toni Mendez fan fiction short I wrote recently, called “Stakeout” to Amazon.
Toni Mendez, a former London cop turned P.I. is not coming to terms with the changes in her private life very well. The more Toni tries to damp down and deny her growing feelings and desires… the more they seep out in her dreams.
This tells the story of one of her dreams — about taking Lizbeth on a stakeout. The unforeseen events and steamy situation lead to a very bizarre and sizzling hot evening — as can only happen in one’s dreams.
This is a Toni Mendez and Lizbeth DuCannon fan fiction short, intended as an auxiliary to the lesbian fiction romance thriller Risk: Three Crime-fighting Women Risk All for Love, Lust and Justice, also available on Amazon.
Hope you enjoy.
If you did, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave me a little review on Amazon.
Thank you!