Jan 192018

I decided in 2018 that Simulation: The Dawn of a Superhero needed a bit of a cover refresh. So here are two propositions. Which do you prefer?



What do you think? Get your new copy here: Simulation: The Dawn of a Superhero

If you have read it, please leave me a review on Amazon (Reviews are our reward!) and tell your friends about it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sam – bio


Sam Skyborne (pen name of Wollie Boehm) is a storyteller – both an award winning writer and a filmmaker. She has an English degree, a masters in Artificial Intelligence and currently lives and loves in London.

Sam’s first novel, Simulation: The Dawn of a Superhero (2016), is a dystopian adventure/romance set in the not too distant future on the Coast of Cornwall and won the NYC Big Book Award in 2018. RISK: Three Crime-fighting Women Risk All for Love, Lust and Justice, (2017) is a sexy detective coming out story and won the National Indie Excellence Award – Finalist award and the NYC Big Book Award – Distinguished Finalist award in 2018. Alice: A Woman’s Flight for Freedom (2018), is a gripping psychological adventure set in Cape Town, South Africa and also won theย NYC Big Book Award – Distinguished Finalist award in 2018.

To connect with Sam and find out more about her writing adventures (receive news and updates on special promotions, new releases and author events): Click here!

Please follow Sam on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SamSkyborne
Twitter: @SamSkyborne
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/SamSkyborne/
Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/SamSkyborne/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/15141866.Sam_Skyborne
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9v10RX9f8ZAP7udcqk-qw


A personal note from Sam:

If you have read any of my books and enjoyed them, please tell your friends and kindly write me a little review on Amazon by selecting the relevant book on my Author Page. It really helps us indie authors a lot!